Thursday, November 19, 2015

Deep in Thought

I have been wondering just how many people still come to the old site here and by the looks of things a lot still do.

I was going to close this blog down totally but just couldn't seem do it.

This blog was plagued by hackers, spammers and goodness knows what else, as well as some nasty and malicious sabotage from ones that were here to help sadly. Jealousy can be an extremely vicious and destructive thing, of this there is no doubt.

I have been thinking long and hard about this and I am considering bringing the old original site here back to life providing I can get some good caring people to help. For one person the task is quite big but when we can share this then many can make light work and also add additional spark and colour to the pages also.

So all being said, I am going to run this one again on a trial basis. If we don't get any participation and involvement via the comments section then I will axe this one entirely. So my dedicated readers and followers, it really comes down to if "YOU" want this page still.

If so then show your support and participate please by sharing in the comments section or contacting me to become part of the team. I will give my contact details a little further down in this post.

This blog page was originally created to share good old fashioned, economical and frugal recipes and hints and tips so as to assist those on low incomes, or just pain struggling in these ever increasing hard times.

I would like to stick with that theme if that is okay with you all.

As times get tougher, we have more and more people that are simply just not coping and struggling unnecessarily. We have far more families forced to live in their cars or on the streets than we have every had before. Our people are hurting and suffering and we all have the ability to do something to help them out just a little without costing us a single cent - just a little of our time now and then.

We can all help these people with very little effort but in ways that will make a huge impact on other peoples lives.

I could just be talking to a whole bunch of nothing out there, but I don't think so.

To all those that might be reading this that tried to destroy us - I am sending to you all right now a huge and undying thank you. Your actions, as vial and destructive as some were, did not destroy us but instead enabled us as a group to grow far stronger, and you all enlightened us to see deeper into the very reasons that we need to help those in need around us.  You wanted to destroy us but instead you united us into a far stronger, far more resilient group of volunteers determined to make a change to peoples lives.

I have a feeling that there are people that genuinely want to help others but just don't know what they could possibly do to help.

Well, hopefully over time people will become part of this journey with us and together we will begin to change the lives of people in dire need.

How about it people?

If anyone would like to help out on the admin side of things, or just become a part time co-writer, then please email me and tell me what you think you could help with, or if you are not sure then tell me that and ask what we need help with at:

I would love to hear from you. The greatest things we can do all begin with a very first step. Are you willing to take that first step to helping others?

Here we are dedicated to:
"Helping those most in need within our communities and beyond!"

“Failure is knowing that you can make a difference in someone’s life but You CHOOSE not to!”- David L. Hill

Our Motto:
“Give a man a fish, and he can feed himself for a day – but teach that man “how” to fish and he can feed himself for a lifetime”.

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Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my Blog. I would appreciate your comments, either positive or negative, so that I may be able to better improve the site. So please do take a moment to leave your thoughts and comments in the Comments Section, thank you and Happy Homesteading.